Contribute to Living Earth Action Group
Donations Welcome but are in no way necessary to join!
We are not a 501(c)(3)
The Living Earth Action Group is not a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We like to say that ‘we are an organism, not an organization.’ Therefore, charitable gifts are not deductible for income tax purposes.
Any Contribution Matters
Your gifts help support this website and other educational offerings, making it possible to share resources in the spirit of a healthy community and healthy planet for all. A gift of any size makes a positive difference.
All our doings are done by volunteers in a spirit of sharing, yet some activities do require financial outlays. Your donation will support such things as ---
$25 supports Website maintenance for one month
$35 will let us buy a new book to add to our free lending shelf at the Westminster West Library
$100 is very generous
$200 will provide a speaker’s stipend for a community circle program
$300 will underwrite our use of meeting space at the Westminster West Congregational Church
$1000 would help replenish our initial seed grant
$2000 would fund a Beaver Deceiver to further our beneficial co-habitation with these beings

At this time we are able to accept donations by check
Please make check payable to
Michael Daley/LEAG
and mail to:
367 Lettieri Rd
Putney, VT 05346
Thank you!
Consult your accountant if you have questions on how to treat a donation to us.