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Earthlings! Let's Move Toward What We Actually Want


Well, Earthlings, here we are...

Global warming is front and center. We live here. What to do? How to be with this ‘result’ that most of us have been watching approach for decades?

Deny? Too late. Ignore? Good luck with that. Here it is. How can we accept it and open our eyes and move toward what we actually WANT?

Little things to do:

1. talk about it

2. be kind

3. put solar panels on your roof

4. help your neighbors

5. Stop buying single-use plastic anything

6. Mow your lawn HIGH. Eliminate lawn wherever possible. Meadows are better for the Earth. Allow them to grow.

Big Things that COULD be done:

1. change our agriculture to organic regenerative NO PESTICIDES, NO INDUSTRIAL FERTILIZERS. This change would bring life to our soils. Healthy soil microorganisms and the plants that grow in them, draw down carbon, hold moisture (less flooding, less drought). Remember, all agriculture was organic 100 years ago. The only losers are petrochemical companies, honestly. If our US government was behind a change-over in the way the US farms, this could happen within 5 years. Can our government change to common sense and benefit for all (except corporations) in time to repair the earth beneath our feet? It can be done, it could be done. Charles Eisenstein agrees with me on this! He says it would be pretty easy.

2. In cities and towns and desert areas, PLANT A MIYAWAKI FOREST. What is that? I will be doing a presentation on it very soon. Essentially, it involves planting a diverse group of NATIVE shrubs and trees together, very close together. Water for the first few years, and watch them grow up to ten times faster than if they are spaced apart.

The Miyawaki Method: A Better Way to Build Forests? - JSTOR Daily 3. The ’tech solutions’ are mirage. Einstein said you can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it. The mind that will create and has already created the solutions to our ‘problems’ is Nature. Follow Nature, not techies, and we will find our way home. Nature, I’ll remind us, is all about generosity, cooperation, sharing for the benefit of all. Nature is totally recyclable. The reason there was such extreme flooding in Vermont is because our streams and rivers were straightened by settlers and loggers. Not by Nature. See article below.

4. Teach children to love the Earth.

For inspiration, you could join Living Earth Action Group’s field trip to Distant Hill in Walpole, NH.

Fri, Jul 28, 2:00 PM Distant Hill Gardens • Walpole, NH Free "Here is a link that Caitlin can use if the newsletter. It contain the entire collection of all upcoming events at Distant Hill." Why Vermont streams have become more powerful — and how that fuels devastating flooding - Brave Little State podcast Cat Buxton sent me this article. She says "This is a great 25 minute listen giving some context for why our rivers move as they do and how we might manage for a different outcome. I didn't know that settlers basically forced the rivers straight!" And now an article on FIRES: My Washington Post subscription allows me to share access to great journalism. Check out this gift article, at no cost to you: Fungi could turn piles of potential wildfire fuel into soil.

Walk to Champion White Ash

Saturday, July 22, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Rain date: Sunday, July 23

On Saturday, July 22, 2023, former Windham County Forester Bill Guenther will lead a walk to the Champion White Ash tree on Pinnacle land in Westminster.

This event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP by emailing

Almost 10 years ago, the tree had a circumference of 205.2 inches and a height of 113 feet, thereby beating out two other Westminster giants for the honor of being the largest white ash in Vermont.

Participants should wear hiking shoes, bring water, and meet at the Congregational Church of Westminster West (44 Church St, Westminster West, VT; directions are available here) to carpool to the trailhead.

Mark your calendars: Return visit to Earthship August 18th! Details in the next newsletter.

Check out our new website, Join us!

With love for our One Living Mother Earth, Caitlin Adair The Living Earth Action Group is neighbors, friends, and guests who explore ways of knowing and acting that will bring us into healthy harmony with ourselves, our fellow human beings, all other living beings, and with planet Earth Herself. We have met Fridays since February 2017 in a small planning circle or to conduct special topic community-wide circles, over 200 to date. Feel free to share this newsletter of the Living Earth Action Group. We meet weekly on Fridays at 5pm at the Congregational Church of Westminster West , 44 Church Street, in the village of Westminster West, Vermont. Sometimes we meet in members’ gardens. Let us know if you’d like for us to meet in YOUR garden!


Living Earth Action Group

Westminster West, VT 05346

For any questions please e-mail

©2023 by Living Earth Action Group.

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