Good Evening, Gaians!
Eclipse coming up tomorrow. Are you ready? Weather looks good. Traffic looks to be epic. Hard to decide what to do….but me & Peter are going north to see what can be seen! What a planet! It is incredible to me that from the home planet, the sun and the moon look exactly the same size. That simple and astonishing fact is why we can have such tidy-looking eclipses, where the moon totally blots out the sun. Dude, is that COOL! What are the ‘chances’ that when viewed from Earth’s perspective, both major celestial orbs appear to us to be the same size, the Sun has a diameter about 400 times greater than the Moon, yet is also 400 times further away.That blows me away! This fact alone, in case you were not aware, makes Earth a very special place.
So let’s be in awe of our incredible planet together on Monday at 3pm eastern time. I suspect that everything in Vermont, at least, will stop for a time, as it gets dark and silent. Can’t wait!
Next Sunday, April 14, LEAG is showing a film:
REGENERATING LIFE documentary film to be shown in Westminster West in three parts
John Feldman's 2023 documentary film Regenerating Life teaches that the most important greenhouse gas is water, not carbon dioxide, and that it is the water cycle that regulates the temperature of the planet. Vermonter and international soil health educator Didi Pershouse appears in Part One of the documentary, which was filmed largely in Vermont. The message of the film is that it is very possible to reverse global warming/climate change with a shift in our thinking about water.
'Regenerating Life,’ will be shown in three parts on the following Sunday nights:
April 14,
April 28
and May 12
7-8:30pm at the Congregational Church of Westminster West, 44 Church Street, Putney, VT (address for GPS; actually in Westminster West Village).
By donation at the door.
LEAG is thrilled that Didi Pershouse will be the featured speaker for Part 1 of the film. She is known to our community, having spoken at the Guilford Community Church after her book Ecology of Care was published in 2015.
Didi Pershouse photo below

Didi Pershouse is an author, educator, and healthy soil strategist committed to building healthy communities both above and below ground. Based in Vermont, she is the founder of the Land and Leadership Initiative. "I’m growing a community of people who are committed to developing our capacity to serve as resources for living systems: human communities, ecosystems, economies,” writes Pershouse.
The speaker for Part 2 will be another Vermont climate/soil/water activist and author of three books on the subject, Judith Schwartz. Vermont is truly blessed with an abundance of internationally known writers and climate activists such as Schwartz and Pershouse who are willing to come meet with us in person about their crucial work to change thinking and reverse some of the harm that has been done to our planet because of misunderstanding of how the Earth’s climate regulates itself.
Judith Schwartz photo below.

Building on his ground-breaking SYMBIOTIC EARTH John Feldman's new film, REGENERATING LIFE, takes an ecological approach to unraveling the climate crisis. It offers a deeper look at the underlying causes of global warming, going beyond carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. Ultimately it is nature—the vast biodiversity that exists on our planet—that regulates and balances Earth's climate.
Feldman explores how life regulates the climate through photosynthesis and the carbon cycle; the water cycle; the dung cycle; and a vast interconnected soil network of fungi, microorganisms, and plant roots. He dives into the economic and political systems that have encouraged this destruction of Earth through the relentless quest for wealth and dominion.
We can reverse this destructive process by regenerating life across the planet. Feldman visits people who are working on solutions. By working with nature, they are restoring forests, fields, wetlands, and oceans. They are regenerating soils to grow healthy food and build healthy communities, pointing the way to long term solutions to the climate crisis.
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with love and care for our precious Mother Earth and all Beings,
Caitlin Adair
for Living Earth Action Group