Good Morning, Gaians!
How to live better and longer! Join us Friday, October 20 at 5 to 6:30pm at the Westminster West Church (44 Church Street, Westminster West) for this Community Circle Event to learn which little known, readily available foods, drinks, exercises, medications and nutritional supplements are helping people lead more active and productive lives (with fewer doctor visits and lower drug costs)!
Allan Whatley (age 91) graduated from Johns Hopkins University and went on to a career as marketing manager of the industrial chemical division of Johnson & Johnson Company. In retirement he was a supply pastor and a chemistry teacher in public and private schools, and was Science Department chair at a highly regarded all girls K-13 school in New York City, and a multi-cultural high school in Teaneck, New Jersey. I am told his wife has lived for 30 years with a cancer that was supposed to have killed her over 20 years ago! Allan plays bridge with LEAG core member Alison Latham. Thanks, Alison, for engaging him for an in-person talk!
If you are as intrigued as I am, please come Friday to hear what this
esteemed elder has to say!
Bring snacks to share if you have ‘em .
Now, of course, it is apple pie season. LEAG took a field trip last week to the home and orchard of Marilyn Chiarello in West Brattleboro. Marilyn’s trees were not damaged by the May 18th freeze (!!!😀!!!) We picked loads of perfect organic apples, then had our snacks in Marilyn’s sunroom while she told us the latest doings of Edible Brattleboro. They have been providing free fresh produce on Sundays to anyone who comes by, as well as planting Gardens for All throughout Brattleboro. Check it out! Contact Marilyn if you would like to pick her apples for yourself or to donate: . I made pies for the West West Church fund-raiser, and still have lots of apples left!🍎 But be careful not to spill pie filling on your keyboard as I did last month. Blueberry pie juice everywhere….😜😯
Since this is apple pie season, I just wanted to tell all y’all that there are two local women who make and sell really delicious pies: Andrea Darrow of Green Mountain Orchard and Aubrey Saxton of Saxy Chef, whose pies are sold at Walker Farm. Really fabulous. Mmmmmmmmm.
Well, last weekend we had a New Moon and a rare Annular Eclipse, which we could not see from here. That is where the moon comes between the earth and the sun but not close enough to blot out the whole sun, so there is a ring of light around the dark moon. Cool. I don’t know anyone who saw it, do you? It was cloudy in Bend, OR, where my daughter lives. 🙁 Oh, well. Time was wonky for me last week. I missed the lecture by Doug Tallamy, sponsored by The Nature Museum at Grafton. But I was told there is a recording in case you signed up and missed it, too!
Oh, well, also, as to our Foliage Season this year. We’d best instead enjoy the little bits of color that do appear instead of the gorgeous panorama of previous years! Here is a photo taken last week by LEAG core member David Mulholland, on Corey Hill in Putney: Beautiful work, David, thanks. Proves we can love our Mother in all seasons.

I just ordered The Complete Mushroom Hunter, Revised: Illustrated Guide to Foraging, Harvesting, and Enjoying Wild Mushrooms by Gary Lincoff because I am tired of finding awesome mushrooms and not being sure if they’re edible. I ordered it from our LOCAL TREASURE, the Village Square Bookseller in Bellows Falls. Please support these folks, they are awesome and the bookstore is an anchor downtown.
I just bottled this year’s batch of SANCTUARY CBD SALVE. So far I have 18- 4oz jars, all organic, made from our homegrown CBD plant with olive oil and Vitamin E. I have more CBD branches with buds. Those are free here at the garden. Contact me 802-387-5779 to arrange pick-up of either item. We have found CBD salve to be incredible for muscle and joint pain, as well as skin issues. $25/jar includes a $5 donation to Living Earth Action Group.
Check out this article: Gifted (from the Washington Post) Jonathan Yacko and Natalie Gilliard moved to Vermont from Long Island and didn’t want to mow several acres of grass. So they planted a wildflower meadow.
Please visit our beautiful newish website at There you can sign up for notifications of events and for the newsletter. Someday you’ll be able to make a donation to our work on the website! Meanwhile, remember to HOLD LOVE IN YOUR HEART. YOU are a treasure, your very own STAR with the capacity to shine brightly every day.

by Edward Munch
That’s all for now, Friends. I hope you will join us Friday at 5pm!
with love for Earth Our Mother, YOU, and ME and all Earth’s wonderful creatures,
Caitlin Adair
for Living Earth Action Group of Westminster WEst, VT