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Living Earth News: Abenakis!


Dear Precious Fellow Gaians,

The name of the game these days is how to really love each other. Can we extend compassion and caring to those with whom we disagree, or imagine disagreement with? Because on the news we are told there are millions out there who disagree with us. How do we know that? What about the always-available option of spreading joy and love wherever we go?

I’ve been trying that lately, saying a sunny “Hello!” to folks, no matter whether I have good history or bad history or no history at all with them. I have discovered that if I withhold my friendly hello, I am safe but nothing good happens. Nothing bad happens either, but no love is created or shared. If I smile and say “Hi” the person always smiles back, usually says “hi” and we have created love. Pretty simple. Even with people who I imagine disagree with me about politics, etc. So far, everyone has smiled back, kind of like a spark of light. Let’s all try it and see what happens. I predict you will at the very least, warm your own heart. No small thing, that!

This coming Sunday, January 21st at 6:30 pm Living Earth Action Group is hosting a discussion led by Abenaki Spokesperson Rich Holschuh.

It is about the controversy created by the Canadian Abenaki in Quebec (Odanak and Wolinak groups) who have made waves by coming down to Vermont and declaring that only they (the Canadians) are the true Abenaki. I’m not sure why they have done it. One big difference between the Canadian and Vermont Abenaki is that the Canadians have a casino.  Read about the Grand Wolinak Casino here:

Another difference is the Eugenics Movement in Vermont in the 1930s, when many Indigenous Vermonters needed to hide their identity if they did not wish to be forcibly sterilized. I hope you will join us to hear from Rich and others. Help us to hold everyone in the circle of love and respect.

Here is the press release from Rich describing the event:




Living Earth Action Group will be hosting a presentation by Brattleboro/Wantastegok resident and Atowi Project Co-Director Rich Holschuh (with other possible guests), on Sunday January 21, 2024, at 6:30 at the Congregational Church of Westminster West. (For your GPS, the address is 44 Church Street, Putney, VT)  We will discuss the dynamics at work among the Abenaki First Nations Grand Council in Quebec, Canada (representing the Odanak and Wôlinak Reserves) and the four Vermont state-recognized Abenaki bands. Recently UVM, Vermont Public, and VT Digger have provided platforms for the First Nations Abenaki to question the standing of the Vermont Abenaki. To those unfamiliar with place-based Abenaki histories and cultures, and Native-Settler politics through the present-day, this apparent dispute may appear puzzling or confusing. We will examine some of the questions that arise: What is being said and by whom? What is the context? What might be the point? Are there root causes of these differences and how might they be engaged? Join the discussion! 

Wliwni - thank you,


Chair, VCNAA

Co-director, The Atowi Project

Contributor, Abenaki Alliance

Wantastegok - Sokwakik

Wôbanakiak homelands

Now for some news of our Precious Mother Earth:

It finally looks and feels like WINTER IN VERMONT!!!  HOORAY!!!

Enjoy, my friends, enjoy! (and keep filling those bird feeders)

Some upcoming events to watch for in Febrruary

Liviing Earth Action Group is planning a 3-part film showing and discussion  in February, 3 Sundays at 6:30 at the West West Church, on Reversing Climate Change using Regenerative Agriculture techniques. The film is called “Regenerate”.  Dates and details to follow soon!

Come tracking in the snow!

Winter Tracking with the Westminster Conservation Commission

Join the Westminster Conservation Commission for a winter tracking activity on Sunday, Feb.11. We will meet at the Westminster West School and walk or carpool to local fields, wetlands and wooded hills to explore. Program location TBD. Local naturalist Martha Mitchell will help to lead our explorations, and share information about the tracks we discover. Waterproof boots are recommended. Bring tracking guides and a tape measure if you have them. In the past couple years, we have seen tracks of fox, otter, ruffed grouse, fisher, and others. 

Date: Sunday, Feb.11, 2024 (weather date Sunday, Feb.18)

Time:  1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Meeting Place:  Westminster West School

Registration:  Please email to register.  

Registration limited to 12 participants.

Call Rachael Shaw at 802-869-3184 with any questions.

Photo:  Fox tracks on frozen wetland 

Feb. 17:  Open House at Westminster Town Garage, with beavers

The Westminster Town Garage is having an open house on February 17 from 10 am to 2 pm to show equipment, talk about needs, and answer questions.... from townspeople.

He invited us to have a table there. He thought it would be a good place to share information about flow devices with the town. The Westminster Beaver Working Group was invited to table there with information on Flow Devices (sometimes called Beaver Deceivers) The big beaver sculpture that made its debut at the fair in September will be in attendance. More later….

Check out our website, Join us!

With love for our One Living Mother Earth and all of her creations,

Caitlin Adair

The Living Earth Action Group is neighbors, friends, and guests who explore ways of knowing and acting that will bring us into healthy harmony with ourselves, our fellow human beings, all other living beings, and with planet Earth Herself.  We have met Fridays since February 2017 in a small planning circle or to conduct special topic community-wide circles, over 200 to date.

Feel free to share this newsletter of the Living Earth Action Group. We meet weekly on Fridays at 5pm at the Congregational Church of Westminster West , 44 Church Street,  in the village of Westminster West, Vermont. 

All are welcome.

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40 Gregg Road

Westminster West, VT 05346




Living Earth Action Group

Westminster West, VT 05346

For any questions please e-mail

©2023 by Living Earth Action Group.

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