Good Morning, Earthlings! Did you have a little snow today? We did. The grandkids were very excited. Snow tires tomorrow! LEAG is happy to bring you (and us) a wonderful workshop on Friday at 5 with our friend and neighbor in Bellows Falls, Laurel Green. Laurel led workshops two years ago on Paul Hawken’s inspiring book, Drawdown. We had 30 people (full house) at our tiny Westminster West Library. Wish we could do that this year, but zoom is here for all of us to participate from home. I hope you can join us. Our Environmental Handprints Workshop with Laurel Green It's time for a positive, new way to look at our relationship with our home planet. It's time for each of us to create our own sustainable, Earth friendly environmental handprints. You may know what your ecological footprint is already. Maybe you have used an online calculator to add up all the resources you require to live on a daily basis. Now, you get to decide what complementary actions you want to take heal the life systems on which all life depends. In short – footprints are what you use and handprints are what you give back to the earth. This workshop is based on a recently published book titled Our Environmental Handprints: Recover the Land, Reverse Global Warming, Reclaim the Future by Jon Biemer. Join the Living Earth Action Group for a free, one and a half hour workshop to get you started. We will meet on Zoom Friday December 10thfrom 5 to 6:30 PM. Laurel Green, a climate activist living in Bellows Falls, will guide you through the steps to celebrate the actions you have already taken and inspire you to map out your future goals for lending a hand to Mother Gaia. As part of the workshop, small groups will share their thinking with each other. Near the end of the program folks who want to may share their intention for future action. Feedback from folks who have done this workshop with Laurel said they were pleased to notice that they make a difference in the world, that the process was fun, and it was a very positive experience. Most folks wanted to meet again later to check in with each other! We need both our hands and our feet to keep our balance on the Earth! For the Zoom link to this and every LEAG program, email and Guy will send you the link on the morning of the event. Scientists are mapping the world’s fungal networks for the first time - here’s how “We started doing analyses asking, do trees have the capability of partnering with similar sets of fungi - does that allow them to support other trees and keep them alive under drought conditions in a way they wouldn’t otherwise? “I wouldn’t have asked that question if I hadn’t thought of mycorrhizal fungi. It’s completely changed my science and how I understand how forests and all ecosystems operate.” “It’s like an ancient life support system that you are walking on.” Toby’s interest was sparked earlier, while living in the Panama rainforest aged 19. “It changed everything,” she says, “There’s living nutrients coursing through the ground. You have a totally new respect for these flows and structures that you can’t see with the naked eye. By mapping the vast fungal networks around the globe, SPUN is seeking to build something that we can all consult to find out about the earth beneath us, within two years. Barred Owl hangs out on Davidson Hill - photo by Cheryl Charles
with love and hope for our planet and our people and our plants and our water and our animals, Caitlin Adair