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Solstice Greetings, Gaians Everywhere!!


It wasn’t until I was well into my thirties that I learned that the holidays I’d grown up celebrating were largely based on traditional European pre-Christian celebrations which were in turn based on the turning of the Earth, Moon and Sun.  Now pretty much everyone has figured that much out!  Our European ancestors revered and honored the Heavenly Bodies, their rotations, their cycles of increase and decrease. OUR cycles of increase and decrease, for as you know, we are all strongly affected by diurnal cycles, (day length), moon cycles (tides and menses), and seasonal changes. The planets in our solar system are visible from Earth, or were before city lights obscured the night sky. Wise men and women who studied the heavens discerned patterns there reflected in behaviors of humans, called Astrology. A fascinating study.

Well, in case you haven’t noticed, our planet is in a time of transition: many big changes physically, emotionally, spiritually. This time was prophesied by many cultures. Remember the song lyric “This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius”?  Well, it is, and Aquarius is just getting revved up! How about the end of the Mayan Calendar? The Hopi Prophesy, which we read aloud at LEAG meetings sometimes.

“The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!” it says, and “Do not cling to the shore”.  And “We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for.”

To me that says we need to let go of a lot of the old ways of doing and thinking. Releasing and rethinking our role on Earth. Living Earth Action Group would like to create an opportunity for you and us to gather and feel into what is needed at this pivotal point in evolution. We might call it Visioning a Positive Future. Or making space for the More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible (Charles Eisenstein book).  Charles offers a very short video to turn our thoughts toward creating the future we actually want.

Underneath all of the sharpest divisions, human beings of any opinion tribe can still recognize certain fundamental truths. I like to touch those sometimes, so that I myself don’t get lost in the conflict. Conflict is loud. Fear is loud. Rage is loud. Bombs are loud, and so are the wails of mothers and the sobs of children and cries of the afflicted for justice. All of these can drown out other important sounds that the heart needs to hear.

With that in mind, I offer you this beautiful animated and scored rendition of some simple words I spoke one day to a young man. Thank you Edie Art for this creation. These words don’t invalidate any of the horrors unfolding on earth. But if that is all we hear, our responses will never be wise. And so, I offer you this short transmission on the purpose of the human being through the lens of gift.

We do have a date for an important in-person gathering on Sunday, January 21 at the Westminster West Church. Esteemed Abenaki spokesperson Rich Holshuh, will lead the discussion. Here is his introduction to the meeting......

Living Earth Action Group




Living Earth Action Group will be hosting a presentation by Brattleboro/Wantastegok resident and Atowi Project Co-Director Rich Holschuh (with other possible guests), on Sunday January 21, 2024, at 6:30 at the Congregational Church of Westminster West.  We will discuss the dynamics at work among the Abenaki First Nations Grand Council in Quebec, Canada (representing the Odanak and Wôlinak Reserves) and the four Vermont state-recognized Abenaki bands. Recently UVM, Vermont Public, and VT Digger have provided platforms for the First Nations Abenaki to question the standing of the Vermont Abenaki. To those unfamiliar with place-based Abenaki histories and cultures, and Native-Settler politics through the present-day, this apparent dispute may appear puzzling or confusing. We will examine some of the questions that arise: What is being said and by whom? What is the context? What might be the point? Are there root causes of these differences and how might they be engaged? Join the discussion!


Wliwni - thank you,


Chair, VCNAA

Co-director, The Atowi Project

Contributor, Abenaki Alliance

Wantastegok - Sokwakik

Wôbanakiak homelands

The Pope had a lot to say recently about the state of the Earth. Betsey Crawford presents his compelling thought and words so beautifully in her blog. I hope you will read it and be moved, as I am!


Living Earth Action Group

Westminster West, VT 05346

For any questions please e-mail

©2023 by Living Earth Action Group.

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