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Westminster’s Wild Waterways: A look into the past


Dont miss the Second Beaver Project Presentation!

Sunday, October 1 at 3 pm at the Westminster Fire Station

Come travel into the distant path with engineer and river scientist Dr. Denise Burchsted who studies natural river systems— the way rivers behaved before Europeans arrived. The Westmisnter Beaver Project asked Dr. Burchsted to investigate what the landscape and streamscape of Westminster might have been like in the days before the fur trade.

What she has learned will surprise you. Dr. Burchsted has mapped the town and will share her conception of what the watery world of Westminster looked like. Yes, Beavers were a big part of the picture. So were forests.

Are there problems caused by the way we manage streams today? What might a future look like that accommodates the needs of people and natural rivers?

There will be plenty of time for discussion as well as Beaver Bark Treats and light snacks

We hope to see you at the Fire Station!


Living Earth Action Group

Westminster West, VT 05346

For any questions please e-mail

©2023 by Living Earth Action Group.

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