Good Morning Fellow Travelers of the Cosmos!
We have one planet. She is alive. She created us humans and every other creature here. She had help: the Moon, the Cosmos, the Sun, all alive, all sentient like us.
Funny thing that Western culture is the only one on Earth that does not acknowledge and value the aliveness of Earth, the reality of the spiritual presences with which we co-evolved. Strange, actually. Chalk it up to trauma and the power of ….. of what? Some kind of power that our culture has used to exploit and dominate most of the world in one way or another. A kind of power that now threatens everything and everyone.
One way to look at it is seeing that our Living Mother Earth has co-created with us a crisis, an initiation of sorts, so that our adolescent species might evolve into a state of mature wisdom. That we might evolve into a species that values harmony, caring and vitality for all. Imagine that. Charles Eisenstein says “Don’t give up on the Earth. She knows what she’s doing."
Pat McCabe, a revered Dine (Navajo) elder really has a bead on what is needed. She reminds us in the clip below that our very continent once hosted millions of humans who lived in a land described as a Biblical Eden, all over this continent. Our very land has known that harmony. Perhaps it will know it again.
At our wonderful weekly meeting last Friday we watched Pat McCabe and Charles Eisenstein each give inspiration in five short minutes. Before watching, we took the time in silence to allow some of our values to come to the surface: Heart, respect, gratitude, connection, reciprocity, regeneration, care, lovingkindness, oneness, honesty, honor, content (as in not struggling), spontaneity, listening. When we then listened to Pat McCabe, we noted that her story of the indigenous past on this continent seemed to include all the values on our list.
Pat McCabe: Who Could the Earth Be WITH Us? - YouTube
Then we watched Charles Eisenstein:
Charles Eisenstein On Community & The New Story - YouTube
These are 5-minute clips. If they move you as they moved us, imagine how inspired you might be if you watched a longer video of either/both of them. My point is, we are living at a pivotal time for Earth and Humans. How can we impact the direction of our collective evolution? How can we enhance and support moving toward the values we wish our culture to embody? That is the theme of the month of March in Living Earth Action Group. I will update you every week on our progress.
Upcoming Events to plan for:
Beavers Amoung Us - A Community Panel Discussion
Sunday, March 24 at 3 pm at the Westminster West Congregational Church
Panelists include: Chuck Lawrence, Westminster Road Foreman
Denise Burchsted, River Scientist
Skip Lisle, Biologist, Beaver Deceivers, LLC
Patti Smith, Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center Naturalist
Next Month (April) we will be featuring feet-on-the-ground solutions by viewing in three weekly installments the film Regenerating Life by Hummingbird Films:
How to cool the planet, feed the world, and live happily ever after
A three-part documentary film by John Feldman
(2023, 137 min, USA).
We will send out a notice of dates and times as soon as they are finalized.
Here is a link to the trailer
I paused writing this newsletter and walked over to the Westminster West Church to hear my friend Sue Venman preach. It was about Love. About how Jesus instructed his listeners to love God, love their neighbors and love themselves, a tall order in a culture based on alienation. Charles Eisenstein often says our culture is based upon ’the story of separation’, but my partner Peter Adair points out that ‘the story of alienation’ is perhaps a truer characterization.
How have you experienced alienation in your life and what flowed from that experience? What did you learn? I believe that if we can see and name the root causes of our pain we can better see to change them. Can perhaps better forgive ourselves, be better able to move forward with love toward a future we can look forward to.
Maybe that can be the topic of next Friday’s discussion, 5pm at the West West Church. This will NOT be blaming and shaming. We will use silent storytelling and EFT tapping to help process and release difficult emotions. Let me know if you want to come.
I am training for certification in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and will be offering group demonstrations soon. If you’d like a free private session on Zoom, I am looking for practice clients. Drop me (Caitlin) a line.
Meanwhile, Happy Trails to YOU!

Living Earth Action Group is not a 501c3 organization. It is not an organization at all. It is an ORGANISM. Made up of friends and community members who care for the Earth and each other. Please sign up for notices on our website, If you would like to make a donation so we can continue our good works, contact Michael Daley, our treasurer.
with love
Caitlin Adair